
Are you ready to publish your findings from ENACT? To submit a request for a publication using ENACT, please complete this form. More details on the process are below.

Publication Standard Operating Procedure

To ensure sound use of the ENACT network data and subsequent analyses for publication, initial guidelines have been put in place. These guidelines will be regularly reviewed and refined by the ENACT Governance Work Group to ensure publication best practices are in use.

  1. All collaborators and data contributing sites must be acknowledged by using the appropriate CTSA Hub grant number from participating institutions.
  2. Any Intellectual Property derived from the use of the ENACT Network must cite the NCATS ENACT grant: "This project was supported by the National Institutes of Health through grant 1U24TR004111-01."
  3. Publications may not disclose any information that could potentially identify a data source partner (ENACT site), including site name, patient population characteristics, or geographic characteristics, unless explicitly approved by the data source partner in writing, prior to submission of a manuscript. Such approval must be requested and received in writing between the requestor and the Senior Vice President of Research, the Chief Information Officer, their respective designee, or similar leadership position at each institution whose data are used in the publication. Any entity (e.g., hospital) that does not agree to be identified by name as a data source will be instead identified as a "CTSA-affiliated site."

ENACT Publication Approval Process

Publication requests will be reviewed and approved by the ENACT Publication Committee before submission. Steps are listed below.

  1. Investigators should complete this form (as referenced above) with information including:
    1. Investigator(s) name and institution(s)
    2. Area of study
    3. Proposed publication title
    4. Data analysis methods
    5. Findings
    6. Data contributors (entire network? Select institutions?)
    7. Validation of data quality (what checks have been done to confirm data quality is acceptable for purposes of this analysis?)
    8. Confirmation that local BERD teams will review the analyses and provide support where necessary, ultimately singing off on the analyses
  2. The ENACT Publication Committee, selected by ENACT PIs and Governance Work Group Members, will review requests and follow up via email with questions, and approval or denial for publication, with explanations as appropriate.
  3. The investigator must reference steps 1 through 3 for appropriate attributions.